Facility Usage
Use of district facilities is a privilege, not a right. No community group will receive access without first obtaining proper approval. Community groups may request to use district facilities. By definition, community groups are governmental entities and nonprofit organizations operating in or located in the district. Priority will be given to groups or activities that directly benefit district students. Use of district facilities will not be granted if the use conflicts or interferes with a district-sponsored activity, and all uses granted are contingent upon the district's needs.
Per HMC-1 School Board Policy KG, the Hickman Mills C-1 Schools do not rent to individuals. HMC-1 can only rent to community groups that are registered with the Missouri Secretary of State’s Corporations Division. Community groups are government entities and nonprofit organizations operating in or located in the district. HMC-1 staff use of district property and facilities is subject to this policy when the use is for reasons unrelated to the staff member's duties with the district. HMC-1 staff use of district property and facilities is subject to this policy when the use is for reasons unrelated to the staff member's duties with the district. The district does charge facility and labor fees to reimburse the district for personnel, administrative, utility and other costs related to facility use.
Fill out the Facility Reservation Request form to use an HMC-1 facility.
Facility Reservation Request Link (Go FMX)
If you want to partner with the Hickman Mills C-1 Schools to operate a league, tournament or events open to the public, contact the HMC-1 Community Engagement team to discuss partnership opportunities.