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Strategic Plan

Crossroads to the Future 

 A crossroad is an intersection of two or more roads or a point at which an individual makes crucial decisions that have far-reaching consequences. For students, the Hickman Mills C-1 School District (HMC-1) is the crossroad where their academic efforts have a lasting impact on their futures. Therefore, HMC-1 school’s motivation is to guide our students to their desired destiny through emphasizing student success which includes four major parts:

  1. Student Achievement: Developing minds with an aptitude for acquiring knowledge and communicating skillfully.
  2. Social-Emotional Health: Enhancing empathy, active listening, and emotional intelligence, making leaders that influence change in their community.
  3. Ethical Development: Focusing on the understanding of how human rights and social justice meet to predict the outcome of our student's development and future.
  4. Physical Development: Promoting mental and physical wellness by developing healthy habits of exercise, a well-balanced diet, and proper amounts of rest.


HMC-1 Vision

Our vision is to empower our diverse student population as lifelong learners to think critically, communicate effectively, achieve and innovate in the rapidly changing world. We will engage all stakeholders in pursuing an environment that promotes inclusive communication.

“Students will have success today and be prepared for tomorrow.”


HMC-1 Mission 

The mission of the Hickman Mills C-1 School District, a proudly diverse and historic community, is to provide a foundation for our students that maximizes academic success and fosters civic engagement as distinguished by:

  • Highly effective teaching focused on rigor and individual student needs
  • Building strong family, community, and school partnerships
  • Collaborative and data-driven decision making
  • The integration of technology across the curriculum and the district
  • Commitment to early childhood and ongoing college or career preparation


Comprehensive Strategic Improvement Plan

 In July 2019, The Hickman Mills C-1 School Board of Education approved a five-year Strategic Plan for the 2020 - 2025 school years. The plan is a road map for growth and includes three focus areas - Our District, Our Schools, and Our Community. The emphasis is on the district's greatest needs and includes the steps to ensure HMC-1 progress with complete transparency.

In August 2020, the new superintendent released his post-entry plan, which included revised Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) goals. The changes plot a new pathway driven by "Teaching & Learning" strategies with a focus on building instructional practices that measure improved student achievement.

In July of 2022, the superintendent's Post-Entry Plan was combined with the original HMC-1 Strategic Plan 2020-2025. The school district’s restructured strategy maintains the core concepts and “Pillars” of the original strategic plan while including the focus areas, targets, strategies, and measurable outcomes that the current administration considers necessary for student success. Resulting in an updated 2022-2027 Comprehensive Strategic Improvement Plan.


CSIP Pillars

The three pillars are the foundation of what we must do well to create student success. The pillars represent our greatest needs, the Focus Areas will ensure our progress with accountability and our Targets set the final destinations for the future. The Three Pillars are:


Pillar A – Our District

Establish and maintain best practices in staffing, ethno-cultural equity, finance and facilities that will support the recruitment and retention of the very best teachers and staff to serve Hickman Mills students.

  • Focus Area 1 – Staffing: Recruit and Retain Quality Staff
  • Focus Area 2 – Equity: Equitable Access, Opportunities and Outcomes
  • Focus Area 3 – Business: Finance and Facilities


Pillar B – Our Schools

Increase academic success of students’ attendance, college, and career readiness, while ensuring a safe and supportive environment required for learning.

  • Focus Area 4 – Student Achievement: Academic Growth & Attendance
  • Focus Area 5 – Student Readiness: Success Ready Students
  • Focus Area 6 – Student Safety: Safe and Supportive Climate

Pillar C – Our Community

Improve the quality of communications between district and community, establish and expand partnerships with families, service organizations, and businesses to benefit our schools and help strengthen the Hickman Mills community.

  • Focus Area 7 – Communications: Improve District and Community Communications
  • Focus Area 8 – Family Engagement: Establish and Expand Partnerships with Families
  • Focus Area 9 – Partners: Expand Partnerships with Business and Community