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Department of Student & Family Services

The Department of Student & Family Services at Hickman Mills School District offers vital support to ensure the well-being and success of our students and families. Our Behavior Interventionists collaborate with teachers and parents to address negative behaviors, while Family School Liaisons connect families with community resources for basic needs. The department is committed to meeting the diverse needs of our community and fostering a supportive learning environment for all. lies a commitment to fostering supportive relationships between families, students, and the district while upholding accountability and integrity within our educational community. Our team oversees various critical functions, including enrollment and residency verification to ensure equitable access to educational opportunities. We collaborate with the Local Investment Commission (LINC) to provide comprehensive Before & After school programs, extending educational support beyond traditional hours. Furthermore, our commitment to restorative practices underscores our dedication to resolving conflicts and building positive relationships within our school community, fostering a culture of understanding, respect, and growth for all stakeholders.
Responsibilities & Services
  • Enrollment / Residency: The Enrollment/Residency program ensures that all students are properly enrolled in the district and meet residency requirements. It manages the enrollment process, verifies residency information, and assists families with any related inquiries or concerns.
  • Restorative Practices: Restorative Practices involve strategies and interventions aimed at building and repairing relationships, resolving conflicts, and addressing harm within the school community. These practices promote accountability, empathy, and healing while fostering a positive and inclusive school culture.
  • Records: The Records program is responsible for maintaining and archiving student records, including transcripts and special education records. It ensures the accuracy, confidentiality, and accessibility of student information in compliance with legal requirements and district policies.
  • Local Investment Commission (LINC): LINC offers Before & After school programs for students from PreK to 8th grade. These programs provide a safe and enriching environment for students outside of regular school hours, offering academic support, recreational activities, and opportunities for personal growth.
  • Behavior Interventionists: The district's Behavior Interventionists work collaboratively with teachers and parents to target negative behaviors and develop and implement intervention strategies for the classroom and school environment.
  • Family School Liaisons (FSLs): Research shows that when children lack basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter, they are at a higher risk of academic failure.  FSLs connect students and their families to appropriate community resources to meet basic needs, such as the Urban Community Connection and Community Assistance Council.
  • Legal Aide: English Language Learners (ELL) - English Language instruction is specialized or modified instruction designed to advance English Learners' knowledge and proficiency of the English language so students can maximize their capacity to be successful in academic studies and social interactions.
  • Adult Education: The families of our ELL students may not be proficient in English.  The ELL Department offers Adult Education classes for them to learn English.  The ELL teachers host these sessions at various times and dates throughout the year.
  • McKinney Vento Homeless/Foster Care Services: A student meets the definition of homeless is one who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, which includes staying in emergency shelters, campgrounds, motels, sharing housing with other families due to a loss, substandard housing, a runaway, etc.  A homeless student may remain in the same school all year, if feasible, even if they move.
  • Agape Center: The Agape Center is a place for homeless students and families to come and get necessities such as clothing, personal hygiene items, school supplies, etc. 
  • Truancy Court/Attendance Protocol: The district will report suspected incidents of educational neglect to the Children’s Division of the Department of Youth Services and will report truancy in accordance with the local truancy ordinance. Once a citation is issued by the district representative, the parent and student are mandated to appear in truancy court. Truancy court is held every Tuesday of the month (excluding summer school) at 10:00 am. The warning or citation will be mailed or delivered in person.
  • Suicide and Prevention: HMC-1 Schools works diligently to prevent student suicide. The ultimate goal is to ensure a safe, supportive environment for all students, creating school environments that provide the help they need.
Dept Family and Student Services Org Chart 2024



Department Leader


Titles: Director of Student & Family Support
Phone Numbers:
School: 8163167085



Titles: Student & Family Support Services Coordinator
Locations: Crittenton Center, Admin Center
Phone Numbers:
School: 8163167534


Titles: Enrollment/Residency Coordinator
Locations: Crittenton Center, Admin Center
Phone Numbers:
School: 8163167152


Titles: Administrative Secretary/SPED
Locations: Admin Center
Phone Numbers:
School: 8163167069


Titles: Extra Duty - Theatre Lights and Sound
Locations: Ruskin High School