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Regular attendance is essential for student success. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to learn effectively and succeed academically. Parents and students should review the attendance policies and procedures below to ensure compliance with HMC-1 Schools expectations as set forth by the Board of Education.

Procedures and Protocol Implementation:

Attendance data must be recorded in the student information system in accordance with the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Student attendance is monitored on an academic minute basis. The Kansas City Public Schools (KCPS) expects students to attend school and classes regularly (at least 95% or better) to achieve academic success. Regular attendance is crucial for educational success and grade promotion. All HMC-1 policies, local city ordinances (compulsory attendance), and state statutes will be enforced, including truancy. Violations will be reported according to Chapter 50, Code of Ordinances of the City of Kansas City, Missouri.

Compulsory Attendance Requirements:

Missouri law and district policy require regular and punctual attendance for all students. The goal is for all students to graduate from high school. By law, students cannot drop out until they are 17 years old or have completed 16 hours of high school credit.


Attendance Protocol Policy:

Consequences: Students with excessive unexcused absences, as defined by the district’s attendance policy, will not earn credit for courses and may be retained unless absences are waived according to this policy.

The district will report suspected educational neglect to the Children’s Division of the Department of Youth Services and truancy in accordance with the local truancy ordinance. Once a citation is issued, the parent and student must appear in truancy court, held every Tuesday at 10:00 am (excluding summer school). Citations will be mailed or delivered in person.

Policies for English Language Learners and students with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 take precedence where conflicts arise with this policy.



  • Average Daily Attendance (ADA): The total number of days of attendance divided by the number of days school is in session.
  • Chronic Absenteeism: Absence for 15 or more school days in a year, regardless of reason.
  • Verified Absence: Approved absences with proper documentation.
  • 90/90: Students who attend 90% of the school day and 90% of the school year.
  • Tardy: Arrival after the scheduled class time.
  • Truancy: Absence without parental and school consent.
  • Unexcused Absence: Non-approved absences that count towards overall accumulated absent minutes.


For more information, refer to [Attendance Policy JED-AP (2)].

Attendance Policy JED-AP (2)