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English Language Development

English Language Development (ELD) Program

The ELD (English Language Development) team is dedicated to supporting students whose native language is not English. Our mission is to provide these students with the essential tools and classroom structures to acquire and improve their English language skills. The Hickman Mills School District has adopted comprehensive guidelines for English Language Learners (ELL) to enhance both learning and teaching processes, ensuring maximum benefit for all involved.

ELD Mission Statement
To serve as a bridge to English language mastery.

ELD Program Goals:
  • Prepare students to succeed in mainstream classrooms.
  • Provide basic skills and instruction for students with little prior schooling.
  • Assist students in adjusting to a new school, community, or country.
  • Minimize language and cultural barriers to encourage active parent participation in their children's education.
  • Increase English proficiency and academic achievement in core subjects.
  • Ensure students attain English proficiency and meet challenging state academic standards.
  • Provide links to community organizations for additional family support.


Key Services:

  • Mainstream Classroom Integration: Equipping students to function successfully in mainstream classrooms.
  • Basic Skills Instruction: Offering foundational instruction for students with limited previous schooling.
  • Adjustment Assistance: Helping students adapt to new environments.
  • Parental Involvement: Encouraging and enabling parents to participate in their children's education.
  • Academic Support: Enhancing English proficiency and academic achievement.
  • Community Linkages: Connecting families with community resources.


Common Terms:

  • ESL: English as a Second Language
  • ESOL: English for Speakers of Other Languages
  • LEP: Limited English Proficiency
  • ELL: English Language Learners
  • LM: Language Minority - students proficient in English but whose native language is not English.


Programs and Events:

  • ESOL World Cultures Parent Night
  • ESOL Family Resources Night
  • ESOL Enrollment
  • ESOL Adult Classes
  • ESOL Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Translation/Interpreter Services: Available in Spanish, Arabic, and Ukrainian


Additional ELD Events:

  • ELD Student Orientation: An introductory event to welcome new students and their families, providing essential information and resources.
  • Cultural Celebration Day: A day to celebrate and share the diverse cultures represented in the school community through food, music, and activities.
  • Parent Workshops: Educational sessions for parents on topics such as navigating the school system, supporting children’s learning at home, and understanding academic expectations.
  • ELD Homework Help Club: After-school program offering additional academic support for ELL students.
  • Community Resource Fair: An event connecting families with local organizations that provide various forms of support, from healthcare to housing assistance.
  • Language Exchange Program: A program encouraging students to practice English while sharing their native languages with peers.
  • Summer Language Camp: An intensive language learning camp held during the summer to help students maintain and improve their English skills.


Important Information
●      ESOL World Cultures Parent Night
●      ESOL Family Resources Night
●      ESOL Enrollment
●      ESOL Adult Classes
●      ESOL Parent Teacher Conferences
●      Translations/Interpreter services: - 4 Spanish, 2 Arabic & 1 Ukrainian
Name: Swapman Kumar
Title: English Language Development (ELD) Specialist
Office Number: (816) 316-7720
Name: Maritza Kartman 
Title: Spanish Translator for Hickman Mills Middle School/Santa Fe Elementary
Office Number: (816) 924-8312
Name: Isabel Mendez 
Title: Spanish Translator for Ruskin High School
Office Number: (816) 284-9514
Name: Salwa ElSharif 
Title: Arabic Translator for Ruskin High School/Hickman Mills Middle School  
Office Number: (816) 937-9562
Name: Farida Gonzales
Title: Spanish Translator for Ervin Elementary/Warford Elementary/Hickman Mills Middle School South
Office Number: (816) 945-1557
Name: Katia Swaf 
Title: Arabic Translator for Truman Elementary/Dobbs Elementary/Hickman Mills Middle School South
Office Number: (913) 547-5955
Name: Silvia Jurado
Title: Spanish Translator for Dobbs Elementary/Compass Elementary/Truman Elementary
Office Number: (816) 724-6814
Name: Natalya Siropulo
Title: Ukrainian Translator for Ruskin High School/Hickman Mills Middle School/Ervin Elementary/ Warford Elementary
Office Number: (816) 946-4479

Name: Bonnie Meyers
Title: Compass Elementary School
Office Number: (816) 316-7743
Name:  Erjabo Gembero
Title: Dobbs Elementary School
Office Number: (816) 316-7998
Name: Lauren Cupp
Title: Dobbs Elementary School
Office Number: (816) 316-7802
Name: Russell Triplett
Title: Ervin Elementary School
Office Number: (816) 316-8437
Name:  Tami Gast
Title: Ervin Elementary School
Office Number:  (816) 316-7907
Name: Jill Grigsby
Title: Ingels Elementary School
Office Number: (816) 316-8390
Name: Mario Barnes
Title:  Santa Fe Elementary School 
Office Number: (816) 316-7449
Name: Myrna McLean
Title: Truman Elementary School
Office Number: (816) 316-8098
Name: Sabrina Turnage
Title: Warford Elementary School
Office Number: (816) 316-7904
Name: Cheryl Landrum
Title: Hickman Mills Middle School
Office Number: (816) 316-7279
Name:  Marjorie Broce
Title:  Hickman Mills Middle School South
Office Number: (816) 316-7646
Name:  Jed Yarick
Title: Ruskin High School
Office Number: (816) 316-7494
Name: Nekeisha Harris  
Title: Ruskin High School
Office Number: (816) 316-7707