Family Feedback
Providing a safe and effective environment for our students to learn in is a top priority of HMC-1. Therefore, parents, guardians, and students who have feedback, questions, concerns, or a complaint are always welcome to contact a school official.
PreK & Elementary Info
Secondary Contact Info
Family Feedback Process
STEP 1: Contact the School
The parent/guardian should first make contact with the school leadership to seek a resolution. This can be done by filling out the Schools Family Feedback Form or Calling the school building.
STEP 2: Contact the Division of Academic Services
If the principal and parent/guardian cannot resolve the issue to the families satisfaction, the parent/guardian should contact the Division of Academic services by filling out the District Family Feedback Form or Calling the number below:
STEP 3: Contact the Division of Academic Services
If the Division of Academic Services cannot resolve the issue to the families satisfaction, they can then contact the Office of the Superintendent by filling out the Office of Superintendent Feedback Form or Calling the number below.
STEP 4: Contact the School Board
If the Office of Superintendent cannot resolve the issue, they can reach out to the Hickman Mills School Board by filling out the School Board Feedback Form or Calling the number below.
For more information about the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, click here.