Family Literacy
Empowering Families to Support Their Child's Education
At HMC-1, we recognize that school readiness is vital for student success, but it can be challenging to navigate alone. Our Literacy Resources Page is designed to provide families with a growing collection of tools to support learning at home. These resources are just the start, and we will continue to expand and develop them over time. If you’re looking for something specific, don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or contact our district office at (816) 316-7000 to connect with our Academic Office. We're here to support our families in every way we can!
This year, you will hear a lot about the Science of Reading in your child’s K-5 classroom. The Science of Reading is not a curriculum; rather, it refers to research conducted over the past 20 years that has deepened our understanding of how children learn to read and the most effective methods to teach them.
The Missouri State Department of Education is leveraging the Science of Reading to guide educational policies and enhance the alignment of curriculum and assessments. At HMC-1, we are working diligently to ensure that all K-2 teachers receive training in LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling). Additionally, our reading curriculum systematically covers essential reading domains. K-5 students receive differentiated reading instruction through small group lessons, individualized daily reading, and opportunities for independent practice. We also offer Tier 2 reading support via the SIPPS program, which focuses on Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and Sight Words.
The insights from the Science of Reading have also informed us on how families can effectively support literacy at home. Here are some simple, yet powerful activities to promote meaningful learning at home:
- Singing Together: Family favorite songs and silly made-up tunes can enhance phonological awareness by drawing attention to word sounds.
- Rhyming Games: While preparing dinner, ask, “I’ll get you a plate. Can you think of a word that rhymes with plate?” (e.g., gate, rate, bait).
- Syllable Clapping: While waiting in line, try clapping out the syllables in a word like “Mommy” – “mom*my”. How many syllables did you hear?
- Alliteration Challenges: Encourage your child to think of words starting with the same sound as their name. For example, ‘Robert – rrrr…rabbit, rrrr…ravioli, rrrr…rain’.
- Sound Segmentation: Point out individual sounds in words. For example, while driving, say, “The /s/ /u/ /n/ is bright. What word is that? Blend it together – Ssssuuuun – SUN!”
- Phonics Fun: Involve your child in writing grocery lists using the sounds and letters they’ve learned.
- More Phonics Activities: Work together to label items around the house using Post-it notes.
- Reading Together: Reading to your child is always a wonderful way to support their literacy development.
For more information call: (816) 316-7000